XBatch Save for SOLIDWORKS


XBatch Save for SOLIDWORKS – Batch Save to an intermediate format

XBatch Save for SOLIDWORKS add-in provides an automated option to quickly save intermediate formats from all sub-installations and parts of a SOLIDWORKS compilation. Supported formats are DXF, DWG, PDF, STEP, SMG, EDRAWING.

The add-in makes it possible to save different kind of files opened in SOLIDWORKS design software to intermediate formats. The intermediate formats have their own folder which the XDigital Drawing Store program can also manage. This way we can handle the documentation sent to manufacturing or used for manufacturing within the company in a quick and simple way.

How does the add-in work?


When starting the add-in, it analyses every part and sub-installation of every open and active document and based on the drawing numbers double checks whether there is an already existing document with a given extension about the given model. Then it displays the results on the user interface so the designer can decide whether it is necessary to save the file again. The add-in can also check the file’s revision, so it is always the correct file revision that is saved. This way you can always ensure that the document’s latest version is sent to production.



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